Fingerithmatic is a unique multi sensory technique that uses the memory we have at our fingertips. It helps children and adults who have difficulty understanding math and other learning concepts by providing the brain with visual points on which to tie the memory. This link is with you at all times, no need for calculators.
The New Zealand born systems developer Frances More, has discovered a simple and fun way to turn the fingers into memory banks, this means successful learning for all learning abilities and styles!!!
More time in the classroom for other subjects or higher math, as all the patterns are learned in simple steps..
- Greater success rates for schools and communities!
- Greater self esteem for students of all ages!
- Happier and more confident lives for everyone!
Have a helping hand take you back to the top of the page.
Learn to Touch-Type the QWERTYQWIK way!
There has to be a better way ?
These little fingers hold a great future for their owner.
Parents can quickly take matters into their own hands
Children with special needs can grasp this method quickly and soon catch up with the rest of their peers. Their fingers will hold the memory, allowing the student to gain success, which will in turn encourage even more success. "Mummy, Mummy my times tables didn't fall out of my ear onto the pillow this time, I still know them!" exclaimed a nine year old boy in Auckland, New Zealand.
We all know how vital our fingers are to life; this is another use of the fingers that has been forgotten over time. Proverbs 7:3 "Tie them to your fingers and sound them down into your heart". Our own built in data bank!
This system is'different' from other finger math concepts, this is a memory technique and the developer is willing to share her amazing teaching secrets with you at very affordable rates!
This concept isn't found anywhere else in the world and is at your own very fingertips....

The Frances More System
A Moment with Mathematics by Philip Tomlinson
Frances More of South Canterbury, now becoming known throughout New Zealand for her revolutionary arithmetic teaching has made a real contribution to mathematics' education.
I attended her recent lecture and was impressed with her multi sensory system. It is simple to use. Our lesson objective, learning the 17 times table, was achieved at an astonishing speed.
The first key to mastering mathematics is in memorising every-day additions, subtractions, multiplications and also divisions. Philosophical discussions about "understanding number," at the expense of ensuring instantaneous recall of basic facts, is a misplaced aspiration. We proved this 20 - 30 odd years ago experimenting with "New Maths." Although providing a fabric of sophisticated jargon it was an untimely diversion from essential groundwork.
The beautifully neat and transparently simple strategy developed by Frances More closely parallels well proven memory training methods, has been developed for specific mental agility with numbers and can be used effectively in other areas as such as spelling and geography.
The argument that no single system offers everything is ultimately true but this system is really worth trying and I hope that our schools will add her strategy to their tool kits for learning the vital nuts and bolts of mathematics.
Posted in 'The Courier'
Simultaneously learn:-
- A single TimesTable in just a few minutes
- Division, Equivalent and Improper fractions
- Long multiplication finger calculator
- Addition, subtraction, percentages and decimals
- Just one 90 minute lesson for the entire family
- Raises confidence in the student
Her teaching resource manuals are currently only available through this
Frances teaching students in Pleasant Point, 2007
"The Frances More system and is a proven method to teach children all kinds of important math skills. We support their desire to spread this helpful education resource
"Dalloway School"
Masks mandated in your school? You need this site and resources!!
Fastest educational success ever!